Tyra has grown up surrounded by dance, music and theatre and discovered a love for musical theatre at a young age. She began dancing age 3 and focused on her ballet skills, as well as jazz, contemporary, hip-hop and song and dance. She was involved in competitive dance for over 10 years and completed jazz and ballet exams through both CSTD and ATOD.
Tyra also trained in violin and singing at the Murray Conservatorium of Music from 2011 to 2018 and completed AMEB exams up to Grade 8.
Tyra has been teaching since 2016. She has choreographed group numbers and solos for both competitions and concerts. She has coached students to complete examinations and has run workshops at local high schools in Mount Beauty where she was raised. Tyra has always loved sharing her knowledge and passion of dance with others.
For all her achievements in the performing arts world, Tyra was awarded with the Alpine Shire Performing Arts Award in both 2014 and 2018.
Tyra studied VCE Dance in 2017 and is currently completing her Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and Management. She completed her formal training in Ballarat at Federation University Arts Academy and graduation in 2021 achieving the Bachelor of Performing Arts.